Wednesday, December 5, 2012

MPI Educational Conference -What is a Hosted Buyer Program


What is a Hosted Buyer Program?

When is the CEC? - and Why is MPI such a powerhouse?

MPI Educational Conference Cascadia -WECThe Cascadia Educational Conference (CEC) is a joint regional conference for the Oregon and Washington State chapters of MPI

(Meeting Professionals International). The Cascadia conference features educational breakouts with motivating and educational keynotes that share cutting edge insights about the event industry, and the technology and that drives it. There are also great opportunities for meeting planners and suppliers to network and connect in the hosted buyer program and the trade show. Oh, did we mention, it's fun!?!

WHO IS MPI - and Why is it important for meeting planners?

[caption id="attachment_1710" align="alignleft" width="222"]MPI WEC - World Education Conference - Meeting professionals international MPI -
Meeting Professionals International -
has been a leader in and advocate for the event industry for 40 years![/caption]
With more than 21,000 members, representing 86 countries, from 71 clubs & chapters Meeting Professionals International — founded in 1972— believes that meeting and event planners serve a critical role in the success of business, and is committed to giving its members the very best in professional development, business opportunities and a vibrant industry community.
MPI is celebrating 40 years as a strong and diverse community of meeting and business event professionals. As the industry has grown and gained prominence, MPI has been at the forefront of providing content, research and business connections enhancing the performance of its members. MPI celebrates its community of planners, suppliers, students, faculty and various professionals whose leadership, camaraderie and connections are the backbone of the organization.
While not as big as MPI’s largest annual international event, the WEC (World Education Conference), the Washington and Oregon joint CEC event is the NW region's premiere event for meeting planners and suppliers.

How can a 'Non' MPI event planner attend the CEC for Free? Hosted buyer program - MPI membership NOT required

While many of Seattle and Oregon's top corporate event planners attend CEC just for the accredited education, inspiration, tax write-off, and networking opportunities as a 'standard' paid attendee, you can also participate in the 'Hosted Buyer Program' and have your conference registration and hotel paid in full! - MPI Membership NOT required for qualified event planners. Click Here to Download the Event Planner Hosted buyer application – in 2013 the CEC event will be held at the Doubletree by Hilton in Portland, OR on March 3-5, 2013.

What is a 'hosted buyer' program?

MPI What is a Hosted Buyer Program? - It's the suppliers' way to get 'one-on-one' face time with Event Planners.

A Hosted buyer program is a 'Hosted' set of appointments between 'Buyers'(event planners) and 'sellers' of goods, services and venues(suppliers). Event industry suppliers pay a fee ( which helps cover your (the event planner's) hotel costs and conference registration) for a series of 6 minute 'matched' meetings Event Planners who are pre-qualified as buyers of their specific services, good, and/or venues to meet with.

Why is the MPI Hosted Buyer Program and Educational Conference so 'Worth It?'

Besides the great education, networking, and fun events, event planners can meet in person with numerous suppliers at one venue without running all over the state or country. Event Suppliers can get ahead of the competition by pitching directly to multiple event planners who actually hire suppliers like themselves.
As a supplier - you can attend for the education, inspiration, and networking as a paid attendee OR you can participate in the 'Hosted Buyer Program' and have guaranteed meetings with event planners who are pre-qualified to need whatever your company supplies. Suppliers can also be part of the trade show and have a booth on display to attract planners to speak with you about the services, venues, and supplies they need. They're going to hire somebody, meet event planners and

An MPI Event - to Benefit ALL Event Planners and Suppliers

[caption id="attachment_1501" align="alignright" width="262"]Hosted buyer programs MPI WEC, CEC Corporate Entertainer Larry G Jones asks the question 'Why' should event planners and suppliers attend MPI Cascadia and participate in the Hosted buyer programs.[/caption]
In addition to MPI planner members, people from ISES, PCMA, ASAE, Spin Planners or ANY qualified independent event planner can apply to get guaranteed set appointments with venues, vendors and event service supplier professionals.
The theme of MPI’s 2013 Cascadia Educational conference is ‘Grow!’
Grow your business by attending the Northwest’s premier MPI educational conference, staying in contact, meeting new leads, networking, and learning. Grow your exposure to the right people by being a hosted buyer, a sponsor or an exhibitor at MPI Cascadia 2013.

Follow MPI Cascadia (MPI_Cascadia) on Twitter @MPICascadia

MPI Cascadia Education Conference - a joint venture between the Washington State & Oregon Chapters of MPI. Washington & Oregon
Larry G Jones is a multi-award winning Corporate Entertainer
About the Author -is a multi-award winning corporate entertainer and chair of the MPI hosted buyer and trade show program for the joint WA/OR Cascadia annual conference. Contact Larry to see how he can customize a show to create great memories for your next special event OR contact him to learn more about the hosted buyer program for event planners and suppliers. See Larry's Video Demo HERE
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